The Pericardium Channel of Hand Jueyin

Below is the pattern differentiation and acupuncture treatment prescription for the signs and symptoms we have learned in this video. There are still a few more things to learn before fully understanding this information. But I will leave these here for those who are interested in taking a peek of what’s coming later or for those who already have some knowledge about pattern differentiation and want to learn more. Until next time! :) 


GV-26, HT-7, PC-8, PC-6, ST-40

  • Phlegm-Fire (+ CV-12)

  • Phlegm-Heat-Blood stasis (+ CV-12, BL-17)

  • Fire depleting Yin (+ LV-2, KD-3)


PC-6, HT-6, PC-4, CV-17

  • Qi-Blood stasis (+ LV-3, SP-10)

  • Cold congealing (+ CV-8, GV-9)

  • Phlegm blocking channel (+ ST-40, CV-12)

  • Yang Qi deficiency (+ BL-15, GV-9)


GV-26, GV-20, PC-9, KD-1

  • Excess (+ LI-4, LV-3)

  • Deficiency (+ ST-36, CV-4)

  • Cold extremities (+ CV-12, CV-6, CV-4)

The Pericardium Channel of Hand Jueyin 

The Pericardium channel is the Yin-Yang pair channel of the San Jiao Channel. It’s also the Hand channel of Jueyin. Let’s start with the primary channel.

The Pericardium Primary Channel

The Pericardium primary channel starts in the center of the chest. It connects with the Pericardium, then goes down through the diaphragm, to the Middle Jiao and the Lower Jiao. 

There is a branch from the inside of the chest that emerges near PC-1. It goes down along the antero-medial aspect of the arm and passes PC-3. It goes between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles and ends at PC-9. 

Another branch comes out at PC-8 and ends at the radial aspect of the ring finger. 

The Pericardium Luo-connecting Channel

The Pericardium luo-connecting channel starts at PC-6. It goes up the arm and connects with the Heart. 

The Pericardium Divergent Channel

The Pericardium divergent channel separates from the primary channel at the upper arm and goes to the chest to connect with the Upper, Middle, and Lower Jiao. There is a branch that goes to the throat and emerges behind the ear, joining with the San Jiao channel. 

The Pericardium Sinew Channel

The Pericardium sinew channel starts at the middle finger. It joins the Lung sinew channel and binds at the medial side of the elbow. It goes up the antero-medial aspect of the upper arm and binds inferior to the axilla. 

It disperses in the chest and binds at the diaphragm. 

Key Points

  • The primary channel originates in the center of the chest

  • The primary channel and divergent channel traverse the Upper, Middle, and Lower Burner

  • The divergent channel crosses the throat and goes to behind the ear

  • The primary channel connects with PC

  • The luo-connecting channel connects with HT

Signs and Symptoms of Primary Channel

  • Stiff neck

  • Contraction of elbow or hand

  • Pain along the course of the channel

Signs and Symptoms of Luo-connecting Channel

  • Pain in the heart region, mental restlessness (excess)

  • Stiffness of head (deficiency) 

Signs and Symptoms of Sinew Channel 

  • Pain, stiffness and sprain of the palms, inner aspect of arm, elbow, axilla

  • Pain in the heart region

Major Acupuncture Points on Pericardium Channel

PC-3, 7, 8, and 9 clear Heat from Nutritive and Blood level, treating bleeding disorders or skin disorders. PC-3 can clear Heat from the Qi level, so bleeding this point can treat high fever, agitation, and thirst. Also, it harmonizes the stomach and Intestines, treating vomiting and diarrhea due to Summer-Heat. PC-7 is the major point for emotional disorders of both deficiency and excess nature. PC-8 is similar to PC-7, but it is better at clearing the Liver Fire transmitting to the Heart. PC-9 is used for reviving consciousness, as well as for the tongue disorders.   

PC-4 invigorates Blood and dispel stasis. When there is acute pain in the chest that radiates to the back or arm due to Bloodstasis, this point can be used. PC-6 is another major point that treats chest pain. These two points both calm the spirit and have beneficial effects on mental and emotional disorders. PC-6 can also regulate the functions of the Spleen and Stomach in the Middle Jiao, and the Liver in the Lower Jiao. Like many other points of the Pericardium channel, these two points can clear the Heat, but PC-4 can cool Blood and stops bleeding.

PC-5 is the major point that transforms phlegm, often used in the phlegm disorders, such as swelling of the axilla, plumstone Qi, mania, and epilepsy. It is also indicated for halting speech and loss of voice. 

So, that was the Pericardium Channel. Next, we will learn about the San Jiao Channel of Hand Shaoyang. If you have any feedback or questions about the material covered, please don’t hesitate to contact at

* The content is provided only for education purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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2. Deadman, Peter, Mazin Al-Khafaji, Keven Baker. A Manual of Acupuncture. 2nd ed. East Sussex, England:Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications, 2007.

3. Kaptchuk, Ted J. The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

4. Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2015.